Vintage furniture can be a great addition to any home’s decor. There’s something about the way these were built, the techniques used in the past, that isn’t matched by today’s more mass-produced wares. However, caring for old upholstery Perth can be a challenge.
Just picture this scenario, if you will.
You’ve just won a beautiful navy blue diamond chair from, say, the 60s. It’s in mostly good condition, the auction had your pulse racing as you weren’t sure you’d end up outbid. You manage, though. When it arrives, you notice a few things.
The frame is in great condition, so that’s a plus. The rest of it, though? It could use a little cleaning. If vintage upholstery isn’t pristine, it’s going to be a challenge to clean. Modern materials are usually sterner stuff, so you want to take a different approach.
Cleaning Upholstery Advice
So here’s our advice on how to get rid of any problems with your vintage furniture. Proper care for the upholstery can make sure your investment lasts longer than it already has.
First, there’s nothing quite as useful as a good old steam cleaner.
If you can’t buy one, you can probably rent one. Steam cleaning is great for breaking down old stains, or ones that are just plain persistent. In most cases, it also won’t do much harm to the cushion or materials provided you let it dry first.
Given the sensitive nature of older fabrics, it’s a good idea to use weaker stuff. The best part of a steam cleaning is that there are no chemicals involved.
If you must involve chemicals, a good rule of thumb is to test before using! Don’t ever use a cleaning agent or product before you’ve taken a dab of it and tried it on a spot no one will notice. This will let you know if using it might cause discolouration or other forms of damage.
You don’t want to make anything worse, do you?
An old household remedy for stains is a mix of baking soda and vinegar. Mix the two and use them lightly, breaking down blemishes. We’ve found this often works best on more recent stains, rather than anything that’s been sitting there in the fabric for years.
If the damage was caused by a pet, use something that’s specific to that purpose.
Most cleaners aren’t designed with pet stains in mind. Best to skip those. Go get one that’s got dog urine or such as the main issue. These are often stronger, but they can get the job done. Just be sure to test first!